Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Roofs... Doors... Footer...

Well, work has begun on the roofs and doors and continues on the school. Please pray for health and safety for all those working!

Monday: Mme Tiferne's House

Daniel marking the plate before the last truss goes on

Mark bending the rebar while Russ marks his side

Lifting the last truss into place

Lucson, Gilbert, Daniel, Russ, Mark, Allen and Bruce

Bendji brought Russ a melon to thank him for the gifts Russ brought his family.

Tuesday: Doors and Footer
They also started on Mme Obert's house but I didn't get any pictures

Mark, Daniel and Jean Robert putting in a frame to hold the doors

Russ and some of the guys working on another door

One door almost in!

School Footer (I finally learned the right term!):

This PVC will go into the underground cistern

Wednesday: Mme Obert's House

Daniel on Mme Obert's house

Getting ready for the last truss

Pulling the back truss into place

Bendji up in the rafters :)


Deborah Dennis said...

glad to see some of the work being done....hope everyone is surviving the heat ok...lots of water..

Deborah Dennis said...

Where's Mikhayla and Al??/