Sunday, July 1, 2012

School Construction Update

Yesterday I got the exciting news from Manis that they have begun putting up blocks in the school!  I don't have any pictures yet but here are a few from last week when the kids were carrying the blocks from where they make them to closer to the school.  I have also included some of the top of the cistern being poured.

Time to work and they're still smiling!


 Kids can make anything into a game.

 Enjoying crackers and juice after working so hard.

 Cistern Top/Classroom Floor!


Unknown said...

Beautiful photos, and enjoyed reading your update! God bless your work in Haiti!

SuAnne said...

SO exciting! Love seeing the faces of all the beautiful and hardworking children! Can't wait to hear more about how everything is going.

SuAnne said...

SO exciting! Love seeing the faces of all the beautiful and hardworking children! Can't wait to hear more about how everything is going.