Saturday, September 22, 2012

Prayer Request: Teacher Seminar

At some point today all of the teachers for the primary school will be arriving.  They will be spending this next week in preparation for school to start on October 1.  Each morning there will be two seminar sessions and after lunch the school director will be working with them to "teach them the ropes" and help them prepare for the first few weeks. 

Also arriving today is Pastor Marcus Guthrie from Lake Tomahawk Bible Church in Wisconsin.  Pastor Marcus was here with the LTBC team last November and has kindly agreed to come do some Bible teaching as part of the teacher seminars.  We have teachers coming from different areas and different churches so it is important to address some basic doctrinal issues and make sure everyone is on the same page, especially as in concerns what the children will be taught. 

The second morning sessions will be taught by the Lemuel Administration, explaining to the school staff a bit about Lemuel and how things work here.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers for the seminar, for all the final school preparations, and that even now that God would be preparing the hearts and minds of those who will be attending.

Thank you!

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