Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve Program

On Monday the school, church and youth group presented the long-awaited and hard-worked for Christmas Eve Program.  It took from 8:00 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon to finish all the decorations and final preparations, but their work paid off.  They did a beautiful job.

  Blowing up balloons...


 ...and MORE balloons!

 Still blowing up balloons... and doing other prep work.

 Mezou, president of the youth group, has been planning this program for months.
 That's what all those balloons were for!

 They draped red material over the whole wall behind the podium.

 Things starting to come together...

The cooks preparing a LOT of chicken.  500 people were invited!

 ...and all their hard work paid off!
 The program we beautiful and fun.  
Manis gave a brief message on the meaning of Christmas.

 Looking through the star bedecked window

Singing "The First Noel" Haitian me, it is very different from the one you know :)

Each class from the school presented something.  
This is the first grade class and their teacher, Andiose, performing a song.

  MCs, Almais and Wiltha did a great job keeping things fun and moving along.

There was also a singing competition which I unfortunately don't have pictures of :(

At the end of the program (about 11:00pm) each person got a plate of food to take home.
Thank you to all of you who participated in making the Christmas Program happen this year.  A special thanks to third grader, Julia Nause, who sold bracelets to family, friends, teachers and peers to raise money for the Christmas program.

 Julia, we hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Thanks for helping to make it special for the kids here too.


SuAnne said...

Wow! SO happy to see these Christmas celebration pictures! Thankful that God allowed the means for your youth and community to come together at this special time. Loved seeing Mme Wisely, Mme Selisa, Linda, & Judy in one of the pictures with ALL of those chickens!
Merry Christmas AND a very Happy New Year from northern Wisconsin to our 'family' there on the plateau!

Sue said...

Julia says, "I hope that your Christmas was really great. We have like a foot of snow now. I am so happy that you could have a special Christmas in Haiti!"

Deborah Dennis said...

Can't wait to be there to celebrate the New Year's with the church and community. Deborah

bboy said...

Beautiful decorations! Looks like a fun party!