Monday, December 9, 2013

Merry Christmas! Our First Giveaway Ever!

We are trying something new! (And will appreciate your patience as we work out any kinks!)  For Christmas this year we are giving away one Haitian Nativity Scene made out of a coconut and clay figures. 

In order to not have to open the carefully packaged nativity that we are giving away, I have taken a picture of mine.  They are all pretty similar, though the coconuts and details can vary a bit.

 Ani holding Baby Jesus to give you an idea of the size of the figures.  
All figures are wrapped in banana leaves and are inside the coconut.

So, here is what you do... Write a comment below about your favorite Christmas tradition or memory.  If everything works right, Rafflecopter will randomly choose a winner.  If everything does not work right, we will put all the names in a hat and pull one out!  Looking forward to reading your comments!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Lemuel Ministries said...

This is a test to make sure this is working :) ~Judy

Bekah Boo said...

What a beautiful Nativity set! said...

What a unique way of creating the nativity scene. I remember our nativity scene as a little girl. It was made of cardboard. I remember of being so proud whenever we set it up.

Lemuel Ministries said...

Becky Walters, that is so sweet! What a precious memory!

Bekah Boo, thanks! We think they are pretty cool too:) Don't forget to add your favorite Christmas memory or tradition!

SuAnne said...

A favorite Christmas memory was the Christmas my three sons and I spent Christmas in St. Louis with my older sister and her family. It was a time to get away because my boys were struggling after having lost their dad and I was in need of a little get-away. We were sacrificing a 'white Christmas' because I knew St. Louis hadn't had any snow yet. The weather took a warm turn here in Wisconsin melting what snow we had and St. Louis got blasted on Christmas eve with a ton of fluffy white snow! We had a white Christmas afterall!

SuAnne said...

A favorite Christmas memory was the Christmas my three sons and I spent Christmas in St. Louis with my older sister and her family. It was a time to get away because my boys were struggling after having lost their dad and I was in need of a little get-away. We were sacrificing a 'white Christmas' because I knew St. Louis hadn't had any snow yet. The weather took a warm turn here in Wisconsin melting what snow we had and St. Louis got blasted on Christmas eve with a ton of fluffy white snow! We had a white Christmas afterall!

LisaM said...

Love this!! I am not entering, just commenting to say that this is a perfect giveaway AND my daughter is loving playing with the one I have this year.

:-) Congrats to the winner!

Unknown said...

I think these scenes would be a great fund raiser . I would buy one !!!

Unknown said...

My favourite Christmas memory is when in 2009 my father, sister and I went to visit my family in Uruguay. It was Christmas eve and my dad's entire side of the family were all crammed into a one room shack with lit candles and twinkling Christmas lights. My grandpa played Christmas carols on his ancient accordion as we sang along in German. It was so precious to me because of how precious my time with that side of the family was.

Linda said...

Okay - This might sound crazy but my favourite part of Christmas is the waiting on Christmas Eve. As a kids pastor I love seeing the enthusiasm of the kids on Christmas Eve and whether I am telling the a story from the front or loving on the little ones in the preschool I just love the anticipation, excitement and JOY that the kids bring to Christmas. This year two at two of our Christmas Eve Services the kids are coming dressed up as characters from the Christmas Story and they are going to help us tell the story to all the grownups! (I'm just a little excited)

These nativity's are beautiful. I'm looking forward to hearing about other peoples favourite traditions too!

Brittany said...

I love to collect nativities from different parts of the world and pray for those countries when I set them up and see them throughout the advent season! Praying for Haiti just at the thought of getting a nativity from there. :)

Angie said...

What an awesome nativity set! If I don't win it in the raffle, can I buy one when I come in January?? :) xoxo

Jaana said...

My favourite Christmas memories come from Finland where i grew up. Every Christmas eve me and my dad and my siblings went to get the Christmas tree from the dad had it already picked which one... We cut it..brought it in and decorated in the same day! Also went to the Christmas church service to the town Ikaalinen. Christmas SAUNA and Christmas dinner to follow!! All in the same day!

Jaana said...

My favourite Christmas memories come from Finland where i grew up. Every Christmas eve me and my dad and my siblings went to get the Christmas tree from the dad had it already picked which one... We cut it..brought it in and decorated in the same day! Also went to the Christmas church service to the town Ikaalinen. Christmas SAUNA and Christmas dinner to follow!! All in the same day!

Unknown said...

My favourite Christmas memory was the year the power went out, half way through the day and we had to finish cooking Christmas dinner on the BBQ. Hanging out with my family, with candles and a BBQ'd turkey was a memory I will never forget. I also love the fact that my family tends to watch "The Muppets' Christmas Carol" on Christmas Eve together (when I'm in the country…), and then periodically quotes it to each other the rest of the year… "There are only two things in life I hate: Heights, and jumping from them!" "Rizzo, stop playing with the cat" (as the cat chases Rizzo around the yard). Merry Christmas, all!

Sue said...

One year we were traveling during the Christmas season and on the Eve of the day my folks wanted to find a place to eat, not realizing that every dining establishment across the city was closed, except an expensive few. After a cold and disappointing search for dinner, we returned to our quiet little motel room to eat crackers and carrot sticks for our festive feast. It is a merry memory because we were all together, and as a little child I didn't fancy eating the live octopus from the one restaurant that had been open in town. Crackers and carrots for Christmas.

Ann Brent said...

We take Baby Jesus out of the manger of our nativity scene and in the weeks before Christmas, our family members are encouraged to do good deeds for others and then place a piece of hay in the empty manger to prepare Jesus' bed. The children always took turns at Christmas putting Baby Jesus into his manger after we read the Christmas story.

Anne-Marie said...

I love getting ready for Christmas! Buying gifts for the ones I love, decorating the house and the tree, Christmas baking, family get-togethers, sending and receiving Christmas cards, caroling, Christmas Eve Service at church... Love it all! :)

Unknown said...

Allison, we love to say, "Light the lamp, not the rat!!' all year long... I LOVE that movie!

One of my favorite memories is when Jim, my sister Kathryn and i were stranded on Christmas Eve in Austin. The bridge to my parents' country home was flooded and we had to spend the night in Austin. We went to a restaurant that had live music. The band was playing the blues. And i mean the BLUES! We asked why they weren't playing Christmas music since it was Christmas Eve... They replied that it was Tuesday and every Tuesday night was 'Bummer Night...' As i looked around at the lonely tables of 1, i was struck by how often i had wanted my life to be differet, and i was suddenly exceedingly grateful for my family. My crazy, stubborn, stupifying, WONDERFUL family!!! :)

Rose said...

Being an "MK" and growing up in Ethiopia, we celebrated Christmas differently ... we didn't put up a Christmas tree because the animists worshiped trees by putting bits of silver on them and putting presents of food at the base of them .. we only got three gifts a piece, one from our parents and the other two from each set of grandparents (because, after all, Jesus was given three gifts - gold, frankincense & myrrh) .. and our central decoration was the manger scene.

Bill K said...

Mine was a teenager going Christmas caroling with our youth group on Christmas Eve. Afterwards we went to my then future in-laws for hot chocolate and cookies. Great memories, and when it snowed even more exciting.

Unknown said...

30 year standing tradition to have a fondue on christmas eve with a missionary friend of ours.

princessb. said...

My favourite Christmas memory is that when I was doing an Au-Pair the little girl there kept placing a soft toy hedgehog into the nativity scene and insisted that it belonged there even being five times as big as the main characters. Well, this little girl became my god-child and is a teenager now, but I still got an hedgehog in my nativity scene!