Monday, July 7, 2014

more rain . the elderly . Môle-Saint-Nicolas

After the rain...
 Grann, our oldest member in the community and Manis's grandmother, got the fever Sunday afternoon. Today she was drinking and eating crackers. 

Many of our elderly struggle. Asela is blind and lives with her son. One of the ladies in our church noticed that she only ever sat on the ground so she purchased a little chair for her. She was so delighted to have a little chair of her own. 

Mole St. Nicolas
Over the weekend we traveled to the furthest Northern point of the island. It's here they say that Columbus first landed when discovering the New World...we discovered a very beautiful place indeed! 

1 comment:

Barb Smith said...

Thanks Bonita! Will pray as you asked. Those dear seniors! What a ministry you all are doing, being Jesus with skin on to them.
Hope you are doing well! It has been far too long since we connected but you aren't farfrommy thoughts and prayers! Love Barb