Lenique Tima
was born in Anse-Rouge, the town closest to us here on the Plateau, on July 3,
1976. His father, Icedieu Tima, was a
carpenter and farmer. His mother, StAnna,
was a micro-merchant. Lenique completed
up through the sixth grade in Anse-Rouge.
He was then sent to live with a brother and sister in the city of
Gonaives to continue his studies there.
It is common in Haiti for children to be sent into the cities for
school, as the quality of country schools generally leaves much to be
completing high-school, Lenique went on to study Economics and then Library
Science. His first job was as the School
Disciplinarian for a high-school in Gonaives.
Lenique returned to Anse-Rouge in 2007 to work as president of the Voting
Office there. During this time he married
Kerline Branche-Dor, his long-time girlfriend, and became the father of a baby
boy. Today his wife and 5 year old son,
Mackendy, live in Port-au-Prince where his wife is studying nursing. They plan to join him when his wife has
completed her studies.
In 2011, his
job at the Voting Office completed, Lenique was planning to return to Gonaives
to look for work there. It was at that
time that he happened to see a poster advertising that the Lemuel Primary
School was looking for teachers and a General Director. For Lenique this presented an ideal
opportunity. He preferred to stay in his
own home town and work with others to improve the area than to work in some
city with thousands of others and never see any difference from his efforts. He just never imagined that he would be able
to find such a job.
By the time
Lenique applied for the job of General Director the role had already been
filled. We were so impressed with him,
however, that we decided to create the role of School Administrator so that we
could benefit from his participation in the school. In addition to his job as Administrator,
Lenique also taught fifth grade.
Lenique teaching the 5th Graders last year.

Handing out trees for the school children to plant on Haiti's "Agricultural Day"
Lenique’s love for community development and noticing his commanding presence
and the respect and he has gained in this community, Manis felt Lenique would
be a perfect fit to work alongside Samuel in the development office. While Sam works on the more technical side of
things Lenique can interact with the people from the community and take care of
the social side. So, starting two weeks
ago, Lenique made the switch from School Administrator to Administrator of the Community
Development Office.
Sam is back
home in Germany right now and activities haven’t really started up for the year
but Lenique has already gotten down to business, clearing brush and thorns
around Lemuel’s campus and encouraging families to clear the thorns from around
their homes as well. Some of the things
he hopes to accomplish this year are: to work with the people to rid the area
of thorns, continue work on the school building, begin the process of
fixing/replacing the current fence with something more permanent and more effective
at keeping the goats out!
List of
Color(s): Black&White; Grey; Light Blue
Meal: Rice, Bean Sauce, Meat Sauce; anything made with flour
Music: French Ballads
Verse: John 3:16
Pastimes: Soccer; listening to music; chatting and joking with friends and
co-workers; watching or listening to Haitian comedians
Memory from last year: Time at the beach with the Lake Tomahawk team
Lenique in background with Khaki/Grey Polo at the beach with the Lake Tomahawk Team
thing about this area: The ocean
Lenique (with two other teachers at a youth beach day) and the beautiful ocean that he loves.
1. That his family would continue to stand firm in
their faith.2. For his mother, particularly for her health: Lenique’s dad died suddenly back in July and the care of his mother has fallen to him and an older brother. Her health has been fragile but is improving as she has been to the hospital and continues to follow medical care.
3. For God’s protection on his wife and son as they are far away in Port-au-Prince
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