Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Surprise!

We were so blessed by a huge surprise on Saturday. Two MAF pilots flew up with a plane full of water filtration systems and protein enriched rice for our community! The amazing thing is we were going to have to stop work on the water hole because we were out of food to pay the workers. They arrived just in time to allow us to expand the program for at least another week! It was like God dropped this gift, literally out of the sky!

MAF pilot, Jason talking with Ginger Muchmore and Marenn while Manis and John unload the food and buckets from the plane.

Unloading 150 bucket filtration systems.

MAF pilot, Harry showing us how to put the systems together.

Sticker on each of the filtration systems.

Ginger Muchmore explaining the filtration systems to the men working in the water hole.

Ginger demonstrating how it works.

Workers gather around to receive oil after receiving their buckets and food.

Marenn distributing oil.

The workers leaving with their food and buckets.

Manis, Marenn and Regilien with the filtration buckets.

One lady who received her filtration bucket and behind her the line of people waiting for theirs.

Interns, John and Anna, with their filtration buckets. They live with families in the community so these buckets will provide them with filtered water in their rooms.


gravy11352 said...

Hi, Judy, Ginger, and all the "Haitians" I know and love! I wanted to let you all know that your latest newsposting letter regarding the Mardis Gras cancellation, and the praise and worship service news and RAIN event was all shared with the L.I.F.E. ministry team tonight [finally!] and we continue to pray for God to continue His incredible miracles with you all on the Plateau! I am so pleased with how God has turned this "disaster" into another opportunity for Him to extol His grace and works! Keep up the great work, Manis and Judy! "Well done, thou good and faithful servants!" Looking forward to your continued postings; [and how was the wedding?] In Christ, Kathy Smith

Lemuel Ministries said...

Hi Kathy, thanks for your note and for sharing with the L.I.F.E. team. The wedding went well... a little crazy, as all weddings seem to be, but it went well over all :)