Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First Day of School

School has officially begun!

The freshly painted and arranged school offices are ready to receive arriving parents and students.  

We are so thankful for the way God provides.  As the beginning of the school year approached, this room had no floor, windows, or doors, and the walls were unfinished cement block.  The classrooms had no floors either.  We did not know how we would get the school ready for the new school year.  God provided unexpectedly through a group from B.C. in Canada who came with project funds and willing hearts to help us get the school ready.

Mme Carlo started early in the morning to tidy up the grounds and classrooms.

As time got away, Mme Wisly came to giver her a hand....laughing, as usual.

We were elated to have around 70 students come on the very first day.  In Haiti, it is very common for students NOT to come on the first day of school for various reasons, whether economical or superstitious.  Seventy is a wonderful turn-out!

parents arrive to drop-off their children

Time for the first "raising of the flag" of the year.  Getting the little kids to all line up correctly required a lot of patience and assistance.

Ready, and waiting patiently.

Up it goes as everyone sings the Haitian national anthem.

 Now, a prayer to begin the day.

And they're off to the first day of classes!

As you may remember, kindergarten graduation is a big deal in Haiti.  Here, last year's graduates smile with the gift given to them by the school as they start first grade: a brand new backpack!

Class is in session!
The school director, Met Osselet, gives a motivational speech to the 2nd grade.

3rd grade

4th grade

Fifth grade is excited and ready to go....even Wawens, though he looks so serious.

6th grade
(Unfortunately, the morning lighting made good pictures difficult to get.)

The kindergarten rooms were gaily and colorfully decorated.

Despite that, the kindergarten teachers had their hands full with all the first-year children who were not too sure about this experience called "school."

The teachers tried to convince the kids that kindergarten was FUN by quickly starting off with some singing.

Some were not impressed.

But there were many happy faces as well.

By September 29, all kids are required to have and wear their uniforms.  Then, we will introduce you to each class and its teacher.

Until next time...


SuAnne said...

SO exciting!! LOVE the beautiful and happy faces! I can even 'hear' Mme Wisely laughing as you mentioned it... Will be praying for the teacher, students and their families. Looking forward to the upcoming introductions. Praying God provides the supplies and financial resources needed for this school year....

Krischelle Frost said...

Thank you, SuAnne!