Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas on the Plateau

Happy New Year 2015!

We trust you had a wonderful and meaningful Christmas.  Below you will find a few photos from the Christmas celebrations on the Plateau.

The School's Community Christmas Party

 Thony came from seminary to spend his Christmas vacation with us.
(Photo-bombing, classic Thony-style.)

The kids were all decked out.

Richardson (the boy pictured at right) was the winner of the Plateau's first ever spelling bee (the final was held Dec 21)!!!  As spelling champion, he received a scholarship for next school year.

Rachelle--one of Lemuel's youth from when it was working in Port-au-Prince--came to the Plateau for Christmas and helped to emcee the school celebration.

There was dancing...

...and performing...

...and gifts!

NOVA (the church youth) Christmas Program

This year, NOVA did a special Christmas celebration for area youth.  For one unique activity, they chose three pairs of sisters to each prepare a table laden with a variety of foods that they had prepared.

The Rouzard Sisters 

The Dumesle Sisters

 The Simon Sisters

Each table was judged on taste, presentation, and a few other factors.

The judges confer.

Chela and Nousta were the winners!

Everyone enjoyed a meal together in addition to sampling fare from all the sisters' tables. 

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